Search results for "personalise"

Expert advice and ideas on how your business can implement mobile marketing and make the most of business SMS.

How education providers can improve emergency communications

What would happen if a threat emerged which effected students/teachers at your educational institute? How would you make sure you communicated with them in the fastest and most engaging way? Here's how a mobile messaging strategy can help.

How can technology help the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak

At TextAnywhere we believe that the introduction of technology can help to support the NHS and its patients during what some are calling it's toughest challenge in a generation. Learn how different communication technology, can be used to relieve pressure on healthcare organisations.

How technology can help restaurants during COVID-19

Many hospitality businesses have opted to offer food delivery and take-out services, in a bid to continue supporting their local community in a safe way. But to do this successfully, businesses need to communicate details of their new offering and related protocols in an effective way and this is where SMS can help.

The role of personalisation in customer communication

Personalisation has a significant impact on the success of communications. So much so, that 75% of marketers believe customisation of customer messages leads to a higher click through rate. Learn which areas your brand should be focusing on to maximise your customer communications today.

What does good customer engagement look like?

Given that a fully engaged customer will deliver 23% more revenue than the average consumer, brands need to ensure they have an effective strategy in place. Read on, to find out what we think are some of the more important areas to prioritise, in a bid to enhance your brands customer engagement.

9 Innovative Ways To Boost Your Gym Sales With Text Messaging

One of the biggest challenges that gyms and fitness centres face is customer retention. The busiest time of year in January, followed by September when many people set or reset their fitness goals. However, after a few months, it’s common for…

6 Effective Ways To Connect With Your Customers With SMS This Easter

Many of your customers will be looking forward to the Easter break and planning their time ahead. With the four day Bank Holiday weekend only round the corner, your business should be taking advantage of this! For many of us, it…

Preparing For GDPR: Creative Ways To Use SMS To Gain Consent

By now you would have heard that on the 25th of May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect in the UK. With only 3 months to go until the deadline organisations should be preparing now to…

Creating The Best Customer Service Experience With SMS Marketing

Customer service is one of the biggest driving forces in every business. Providing a great customer service is key to retention, customer satisfaction and increasing sales. Large financial giant American Express found that 74% consumers say they have spent more with…

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