Search results for "personalisation"

Expert advice and ideas on how your business can implement mobile marketing and make the most of business SMS.

How to successfully manage remote teams

Business continuity is likely a top priority for businesses at the moment and here we have highlighted a few key points that you can focus on, to ensure that having a remote workforce will have minimal impact on your business.

When to Personalise Your Mobile Marketing Campaign For Better ROI

Personalisation within marketing is something that may be considered a vital factor for brands, no matter the industry. In 2013, 49% of UK consumers believed that personalisation is important. While this may seem like a large number, it suggests that 51%…

How SMS can help fill job vacancies effectively and fast

The recruitment industry is a highly competitive business to make sure they position the right candidate in the right time frame to their clients. In addition for job seekers to be “that” candidate who is put forward and hopefully secure their…

5 Tips for a Successful SMS Marketing Campaign

Mobile phones are now a part of our everyday lives, and according to Global Web Index, 80% of internet users have a smartphone, making SMS marketing perfect for any business. Whether you are thinking about starting a mobile marketing campaign, or…

The Environmental and Economic benefits of SMS Mobile Marketing

Previously, we have been through many, many benefits of using text message marketing for your business. In previous blogs we have spoken about the increased open rate, personalisation and ability to segment your audience and consumers into handy, easy to reach…

Integrating Mobile into your Marketing Mix

Mobile Marketing can refer to one of two areas: 1) Traditionally it refers to marketing on, or with, a mobile device (ie: a mobile phone, smartphone or tablet). Some examples of this are: SMS promotions, advertising and offers. Web based advertising…

10 Tips to Increase Your Mobile Engagement

Marketing and advertising used to be one-way streets, but that has all changed. Now marketing is all about engagement, involving the customer in the process; but that’s easier said than done. TextAnywhere has based its business on engaging the end-user with…

5 ways to make your campaign stand out from the crowd

So you’ve read up on all the benefits of SMS marketing and decided that this will be a great method of marketing for your business to use. However, if you think that SMS marketing could work for you, the chances are…

Your summer-ready SMS marketing campaign checklist

With summer well underway, peak season is upon us again. This is your sign to ensure your SMS campaigns are working hard to engage both customers and new business accounts.

Key Differences Between our Partner Programs

TextAnywhere offer a number of Partner Programs that have all been developed to be simple to use and provide a rewarding experience for our users. Each program has its own unique set of benefits and capabilities to suit both you and…

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